
Personal Wepage


HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Bootstrap

This website was a Personal venture into showcasing my abilities and provide a more expressive portfolio than a conventional CV. It sheds some light on me as a person and what my interests are. Feel free to explore the other pages as well.
This was done with starting off a couple of Bootstrap templates and editing them to suite my taste.

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Rudimentary 360 Video Player *


Unity | Blender | C#

Create a rudimentary video player app (unreleased) for the GearVR. Contains basic video player capabilities. Used blender to create custom ojects for app.
Overview: The reason for the application is to create a video player that would take in a video stream of a football match and allow you to change your seat to other designated seats. Future work would include adding a live stream functionality and more designated seats via crowdsourcing.

K-means on 2D Points *

Undergrad Course

I have developed, run and analyzed the K-means algorithm on 2D points. I developed a sequential version in C, a parallel one using MPI and another with Hadoop MapReduce. The algorithms were run on 4 VMs and largest dataset tested was 40 Million points. Convergance was by number of iterations.
I used them to compare the performance with each other.

RC Moving Ball

Undergrad Course


Designed, Built and Coded a remote controlled battery powered moving ball that given a signal can move forward, backward, right and left. Multiple designs were made while building the platform inside the sphere. This was due to simple practical limitations that were not present in the design. The RC Moving Ball has IR receiver attached that reads incoming signals and moves 4 motors (that control the wheels inside the sphere) accordingly.

String Renderer


three.js | JavaScript

Wrote a string renderer that renders a string in a world canvas. I also wrote each letter dimension. When run the string is displayed at what is an attempt at a cinematic intro displaying the string moving letter by letter and finally resting over an expanding bar with an orbiting sphere around it.

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Byte Transmitter * (Embedded Systems)

Undergrad Course


Built and coded a system that, given a string, trasmits bytes that can be viewed on an ocilloscope.
I used an MC9S12C128 microcontroller and Codewarrior to upload code onto it.

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IR Receiver * (Embedded Systems)

Undergrad Course


Coded an IR receiver to receive IR commands and move a battery powered tractor according to the signal.
I used an MC9S12C128 microcontroller and Codewarrior to upload code onto it.

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Subtitle Downloader *


Python | Bash

Wrote a python script to locate, download, extract and combine subtitles. Given a language the script locates all subtitles for the given language and its English equivalent.
A bash script then proceeds to download, extract and combine the required_language-English subtitles.

Basic Movie Website *

Undergrad Course

HTML | CSS | Java | Postgresql

Build basic website with rudimentary user profile registration and logging in. Website suggests movies based on what movies the user has seen. This is all done with a database in the background to keep track of user profiles and movies the user has seen. Java servlets were used to keep track of cookies and rendering the pages.

Rudimentary Chat Room *

Undergrad Course


Built basic chat room with limited functions of joining and leaving. The chat box is robust to client crashes.

Cache Simulator *

Undergrad Course


Built a cache simulator which reads reads a valgrind memory trace as input. It then simulates the hit/miss behaviour of a cache memory on this trace and then outputs the total number of hits, misses, and evictions.